Tips to help choose accurate, appropriate limits for your personal property 和 liability coverage.
你遵循了你的 租赁指导 是时候搬进来了! 你的家具已经放好了, the utilities are hooked up 和 your rental unit is starting to look like a home. 现在你可能会问自己,我需要租客pp王者电子官网吗? 据估计 56%的租客 没有租客pp王者电子官网.
租房政策更为重要, 比你想象的更方便、更实惠, 在某些情况下, 房东要求房客投保. But renters are often unclear about what renters insurance is, what it covers 和 how much they need.
简而言之,租客pp王者电子官网涵盖你所有的东西. Most l和lord's insurance covers only the building 和 damages due to negligence. Getting coverage for some of the most common causes of property damage 和 loss — such as theft, 破坏公物和火灾-完全取决于你. 没有租客pp王者电子官网, 你可能不得不自己承担损失的经济负担, 包括 酒店住宿费用 如果你在维修期间不能住在公寓里.
大多数租客的财物比他们想象的要贵. 一般人都有 价值3万美元的财物 这可能不在房东的保单范围内. 花点时间把你的电脑的大致成本加起来, 电视, 立体声, 家具, 珠宝和服装. If a fire gutted your apartment tomorrow, would you have the cash to replace it all?
租房者 insurance also covers much more than just your personal property. The average policy can include up to $100,000 in liability coverage. 也就是说,如果发生pp王者电子官网损失, your insurer will help cover the costs if you're held responsible for injuring another person or damaging another person's property. Moreover, this coverage applies whether the incident occurred within your residence or elsew在这里.
Be sure you have coverage against the unexpected with renters insurance. 现在获得免费报价.
租客pp王者电子官网相对便宜. 据NerdWallet称 平均租客每月的费用约为15美元 最高3万美元的个人财产pp王者电子官网. That's solid coverage for less than the cost of a few cups of coffee a week. 这里有一些建议可以帮助你确定你的pp王者电子官网需求.
- 完成你的财产清单. Personal property coverage is probably the main reason most purchase a renters policy. pp王者电子官网公司将赔偿你所投保的损失, damage or theft of your personal possessions up to a certain dollar amount. 完成房屋盘点 是确定你需要多少财产pp王者电子官网的好方法吗. 这份清单列出了你的个人物品, 还有他们的年龄, 购买价格或当前价值及其他识别信息. 当你这样做的时候,给你的财产拍照或录像.
- 向你的pp王者电子官网代理人咨询折扣. 许多pp王者电子官网公司提供 折扣 如果你在他们的公司买了不止一份保单. For renters, this usually means purchasing auto insurance with a renters policy. 但生活、商业和其他计划也可能符合条件.
- 选择合适的免赔额. A deductible is the amount of a covered loss that you pay out of your own pocket. In other words, it's the amount "deducted" from any payout by your insurer. 例如, 如果火灾造成1美元的损失,500 in insured damage to your personal property 和 your deductible is $500, 然后你的pp王者电子官网公司会付给你1美元,000.
Your renters insurance premiums will reflect the deductibles you agree 支付. Lower deductibles mean higher premiums; higher deductibles mean lower premiums. Keep in mind that an insurer will not reimburse you for a loss amount that is lower than the deductible. 这意味着如果你的免赔额是2美元,000美元,你损失1美元,亏损750英镑, 那么这些费用全部由你负责, 即使损失的原因在你的pp王者电子官网范围内.
选择免赔额时, think carefully about the out-of-pocket costs that you are willing, 并有能力, 支付. A disciplined saver may be able to offset the greater risk of a high deductible with cash reserves. 其他人, 然而, will have to balance the benefit of a higher deductible against the risk of greater out-of-pocket expenses.
- 评估你的负债. Your renters policy's liability coverage may protect you if someone injures themselves in your home. It may also protect you in case you cause damage to others' property. Some policies will pay for defense 和 court costs in addition to settlement costs. The typical renters insurance policy offers $100,000 in liability coverage. 对于租房者来说,这个数额通常是足够的. 然而, 如果你经常在家里招待客人 或者如果你的资产超出了你的极限, you should consider a coverage amount equal to at least the total value of your assets.
- 必要时补充pp王者电子官网. Keep in mind that your policy will exclude certain perils (such as earthquake 和 flood losses), 限制对某些物品(如电脑)的覆盖, 火器和银器)和 可能不包括你家里的生意. 如果您有特殊pp王者电子官网需求, talk to your agent about extending limits or adding separate policies.
最后, w在这里 your apartment is located will play an important role in determining your renters insurance rates. 价格会根据你所在的州、城市和社区而有所不同. 更安全的地点可能意味着更低的利率, so renting in a low-crime area near a fire station might save you money. 你的利率也会反映 出租物业本身的安全. 例如, 一个年长的, unrenovated building might have a higher risk of electrical 和 plumbing issues, 这可能意味着更高的利率. 幸运的是,步骤就像安装一样简单 烟雾探测器 和 灭火器 in your apartment may mean real savings, even if you do rent 一个年长的 property.