It can be easier being green with electric car insurance

随着电动汽车销量的增长,立法也越来越接近控制排放, you may be looking for a more eco-friendly vehicle.

毕竟,汽车电池续航里程和充电选择每年都在改进. 将其与各种各样的电动汽车模型结合起来,它将成为传统汽油动力汽车的一个可行选择.

Frequently asked questions about electric car insurance

Do electric vehicles cost more to insure?

If you’re interested in purchasing an electric car,电动汽车pp王者电子官网可能更贵的主要原因有三个:

Higher purchase price


More expensive to repair

If the battery is damaged, the battery replacement could cost $5,000 to $15,000, which doesn’t include the cost of labor.

Higher EV accident payout

Insurers typically have a higher payout with EV accidents. 如果涉及到电池,即使是一个小事故也可能代价高昂. 此外,由于技术较新,接受过维修培训的技术人员较少.

Will an EV charging station affect my homeowners policy?

不,因为这些充电站通常使用110或220伏的电压,这是大多数住宅的标准电压. 但是,如果您需要额外的断路器,安装可能需要电工.

Maybe you left in a hurry, or didn’t find a charging station along your route, but your electric car needs a charge. If your State Farm® auto policy includes emergency road service, your insurance could pay the fair cost for help, 如拖到最近的地方,您的车辆可以充电. 路边服务提供商也有可能提供便携式电动汽车充电器,让你再次启动.
Are coverages different for an electric car or truck?

Essentially, pp王者电子官网覆盖范围在所有州都有,电动汽车和汽油或柴油发动机汽车的pp王者电子官网范围相似.

Is my charging equipment covered by my auto policy?
You may not need to pay for additional coverage. Your auto policy‘s comprehensive and collision pp王者电子官网范围可能包括车辆常用的设备,如充电设备. Check with your agent to be sure.

What coverage options are available for electric vehicles?

Typical auto policies can include any of the following:

Typical auto policies can include any of the following:



Medical payments


Uninsured motor vehicle

当被pp王者电子官网人在没有任何责任pp王者电子官网的其他人造成的车祸中受伤时,支付人身伤害赔偿金, 或者谁有责任pp王者电子官网,但其限制是小于选择的范围.

Uninsured motor vehicle property damage



赔偿因碰撞或火灾以外的原因而被盗或损坏的汽车, wind, hail, flood, earthquake, theft, vandalism, hitting a bird or animal). A deductible is not required.


赔偿因与其他物体碰撞或汽车翻倒而损坏的有盖汽车. A deductible is required.

Are there electric car insurance savings?

State Farm has several possible discounts and savings 汽车pp王者电子官网也将包括电动汽车的政策. 看看你是否有资格获得这些储蓄或者你所在的州是否有这些储蓄, please visit with a State Farm agent to discuss further. 向符合条件的pg电子官方网页版提供的一些节省包括:

California Good Driver

If all operators of your vehicle are “good drivers,” as defined by law, you will receive a 20% premium savings on all coverages.

Good Student 1

Drivers under the age of 25, in high school, college, university or a college graduate, may be eligible.

Bundle and save 2


Drive Safe & SaveTM 3
Steer Clear® 4


Is my vehicle covered while in Mexico?

如果损失发生在距离美国50英里的范围内,墨西哥可能适用某些pp王者电子官网.S. border, 此保单不提供墨西哥汽车pp王者电子官网,也不符合墨西哥汽车pp王者电子官网要求. If you or any other insured plan to drive in Mexico, then auto insurance 在墨西哥提供pp王者电子官网应该从墨西哥pp王者电子官网公司购买.

如果损失发生在距离美国50英里的范围内,墨西哥可能适用某些pp王者电子官网.S. border, 此保单不提供墨西哥汽车pp王者电子官网,也不符合墨西哥汽车pp王者电子官网要求. If you or any other insured plan to drive in Mexico, then auto insurance 在墨西哥提供pp王者电子官网应该从墨西哥pp王者电子官网公司购买.

Get an auto insurance quote

Items needed for a quote Continue a saved quote

1 See our Good Student discount, 如果你的学生取得好成绩,你的分数可以高达25%,并一直持续到25岁. 你孩子最近的成绩单可能是降低保费的关键.

2 客户可能总是选择只购买一份保单,但购买两份或更多不同险种的折扣将不适用. 储蓄,折扣名称,百分比,可用性和资格可能因州而异.

3 折扣可能超过30%,各州不同(纽约上限为30%). Not available in CA, MA, RI. 根据个人事实和情况,在北卡罗来纳州可能无法获得折扣. Setup required.

4 储蓄,折扣名称,百分比,可用性和资格可能因州而异.

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State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
State Farm Indemnity Company
Bloomington, IL

State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas
Richardson, TX